Our website uses cookies to give you the best online browsing experience.
For more information about cookies or change your browser settings please see our Cookies Policy.
By continuing browsing the site you accept the use of cookies.


Cookies Policy

Pursuant to current regulations on personal data processing, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679, HBI Srl provides you the following information about cookies installed by www.handbuilt.it domain and its subdomains (hereinafter Site).

What are cookies?

Cookies are data stored by the website in a text file on the user's device, which allow you to collect information about the user's navigation on the site. Cookies can be stored in your device for a limited time or permanently (persistent cookies), or they can be eliminated by closing the browser or have a very short duration (session cookies). Furthermore, the cookies can be stored on the device directly from the website (first-party cookies), or they can be stored by third-party services included in the website (third-party cookies).

How does HBI Srl use cookies?

Navigation cookies and functional cookies: HBI Srl website uses first-party cookies and persistent cookies to allow website users an optimal use of the website content and to improve the services that the website offers. These cookies store information such as your language preference, country or other online settings, to allow the website to provide enhanced functionality.

Analytical cookies: HBI Srl website uses cookies of third party platform like Google Analytics (Google Inc.) to collect statistics in an anonymous way about the use of the website by users (number of visitors, page viewed, time spent on the website, etc.).

Social cookies: HBI Srl website uses third-party cookies of ShareThis (ShareThis Inc.) to allow users to connect to their social account and share the website content through social networks (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest).

YouTube cookies: HBI Srl website uses third-party cookies of the video sharing platform YouTube (Google Inc.) to include video on its website.

Google Maps cookies: HBI Srl webite uses third-party cookies of Google Maps platform (Google Inc.) to include interactive maps on its website.

Features of the cookies used on website

HBI Srl:
Cookies "CookiePolicy", "PHPSESSID": used for navigation and for website's features, are first-party cookies and session cookies and persistent cookies.

Google Analytics:
Cookies "_utma", "_utmb", "_utmc", "_utmz", "_ga" are used for analytical purposes and to collect website statistics, they are third-party cookies, session cookies and persistent cookies. The above mentioned cookies are stored by Google Inc. At the following address you can read in detail the Google privacy policy and at the same address tools to opt-out are available: Google Privacy Policy

Cookies "__unam": used for social sharing, are third-party cookies, session cookies and persistent cookies. They are stored by ShareThis Inc. At the following address you can read in detail the ShareThis privacy policy and at the same address tools to opt-out are available: ShareThis Privacy Policy

How to change the settings on cookies?

By configuring your web browser you can block the saving of cookies on your navigation device. Blocking of cookies may, however, compromise the functions and services of the websites displayed. Here below instructions on how to change web browsers settings (click on the name to access the online guide and help tools):
- Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Opera
- Safari

To disable cookies by third-party services used on this website you can refer to the opt-out options directly provided by third-party services management (click on the name to access the options):
- Google Analytics
- ShareThis

Information about this cookies policy

The owner of personal data processing is responsible for this cookies policy.